docker hosting linux network rails Security Technology Uncategorized

Self-hosting with Kamal: Watch your ports when shipping.

I’ve been playing around with Kamal from Basecamp (previously called MRSK) for deploying simple apps on a single server.

There’s a lot to like about Kamal’s ergonomics and principles. But there were a few things that I struggled with or that confused me.

It mostly boils down to Kamal offering some kind of a layer of abstraction over docker, SSH and some linux commands. But perhaps more importantly, DHH, the creator of Kamal quite explicitly says that:

“[It] is designed for multi-server operation”.


Why is this distinction important?

Because it implicitly avoids some of the nice (and more secure) features of docker on a single host, primarily: internal network connections and name resolution.

[It] is designed for multi-server operation, so the internal network idea breaks down pretty quick with that. You’d have to unstrip all of that when you go to scale it. So I think we’re better off keeping the network host transparent.


This is a completely fair design choice, and simplifies a lot of complexity for Kamal. However, when you’re running your new startup or a hobby project, you want to keep things simple and run it all on one host.

But you don’t want to compromise on security and unintentionally expose your Database or Redis to the outside world, right?

django linux rails ruby Security

Quick & Dirty SSL tunnelling for rails development

Just a quick&dirty guide on setting up SSL tunnelling in your development environment. This is written for Rails, but can be easily used for Django, Node, or any other web development.

Why SSL in development?

There’s no important reason to use SSL for development, but some times, you just seem to have to. I was trying to build an integration with helpscout, using their dynamic custom app. For some reason, helpscout forces you to use SSL for the external URL. Even for development. I won’t go into details why I think it’s unnecessary, but rather focus on how to set it up. After all, it might be something else that requires SSL within development, so here’s one quick way to do so.

linux Performance Technology

Bootstrap cloud shoot-out part II

A recent comment by Martyn on my cloud performance shoot-out post prompted me to do another round of testing. As the bootstrap process I described on the last post evolved, it’s always a good idea to test it anyway, so why not kill two birds with one stone? The comment suggested that the Amazon EC2 micro instance is CPU throttled, and that after a long period (in computer terms: about 20 seconds according to the comment), you could lose up to 99% of CPU power. Whereas on a small instance, this shouldn’t happen. So is EC2 small going to perform way-better than the micro instance? How is it going to perform against Linode or Rackspace equivalent VPS?

linux monitoring network Technology wordpress

Webfaction fail. over.

This post starts as a rant about webfaction, but somehow turns into a rave. I recently discovered (the hard way) that I can failover almost any site to a secondary host in a different data centre, all with a few scripts on a webfaction shared hosting account.

linux Performance Technology

bootstrap shooting at the clouds

One of my primary aims when building a resillient cloud architecture, is being able to spawn instances quickly. Many cloud providers give you tools to create images or snapshots of existing cloud instances and launch them. This is great, but not particularly portable. If I have one instance on Linode and I want to clone it to Rackspace, I can’t easily do that.

That’s one of the reasons I am creating bootstrap scripts that completely automate a server (re)build process. Given an IP address and root password, the script should connect to the instance, install all necessary packages, pull the code from the repository, initialize the database, configure the web server and get the server ready for restore of user-data.

I’m primarily using fabric for automating this process, and use a standard operating system across different cloud providers. This allows a fairly consistent deployments across different providers. This also means the architecture is not dependent on a single provider, which in my opinion gives a huge benefit. Not only can my architecture run on different data centres or geographic locations, but I can also be flxeible in the choice of hosting providers.

All that aside however, building and refining this bootstrapping process allowed me to run it across different cloud providers, namely: Rackspace, Linode, and EC2. Whilst running the bootrstrapping process many times, I thought it might be a great opportunity to compare performance of those providers side-by-side. My bootstrap process runs the same commands in order, and covers quite a variety of operations. This should give an interesting indication on how each of the cloud providers performs.

linux Security

updating lighttpd on debian squeeze against the BEAST

If you’re updating your debian stable (squeeze) and using Lighttpd as your web server, you might come across a security notice on how to fix your lighttpd against the BEAST attack.

lighttpd (1.4.28-2+squeeze1) stable-security; urgency=high

 This releases includes an option to force Lighttpd to honor the cipher order
 in ssl.cipher-list. This mitigates the effects of a SSL CBC attack commonly
 referred to as "BEAST attack". See [1] and CVE-2011-3389 for more details.

 To minimze the risk of this attack it is recommended either to disable all CBC
 ciphers (beware: this will break older clients), or pursue clients to use safe
 ciphers where possible at least. To do so, set

 ssl.ciphers =  "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:AES256-SHA256:RC4:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH:!AESGCM"
 ssl.honor-cipher-order = "enable"

 in your /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-ssl.conf file or on any SSL enabled
 host you configured. If you did not change this file previously, this upgrade
 will update it automatically.


There’s a mistake on this note however. Instead of

linux Security Technology

timing is everything

A quick-tip on the importance of timestamps and making sure your time zone is set correctly.

I was recently playing around with fail2ban. It’s a really cool little tool that monitors your log files, matches certain patterns, and can act on it. Fail2ban would typically monitor your authentication log file, and if for example it spots 5 or more consecutive failures, it would simply add a filter to your iptables to block this IP address for a certain amount of time. I like fail2ban because it’s simple and effective. It does not try to be too sophisticated, or have too many features. It does one thing, and does it very well.

I was trying to build a custom-rule to watch a specific application log-file. I had a reasonably simple regular expression and I was able to test it successfully using fail2ban-regex. It matched the lines in the log file, and gave me a successful result

Success, the total number of match is 6

However, when running fail2ban, even though it loaded the configuration file correctly, and detected changes in the log files, fail2ban, erm, failed to ban… I couldn’t work out what was the problem.

As it turns-out, the timestamps on my log file was set to a different time-zone, so fail2ban treated those log entries as too old and did not take action. Make sure your timestamps are correct and on the same timezone as your system!! Once the timezone was set, fail2ban was working just fine.

Asterisk iphone linux mobile python Technology

iphone asterisk sync

On my last post I described how I get my asterisk box to know the caller name from a csv data file. The thing is, my address book keeps changing on my iphone. People change their phone numbers, I meet new people (can you believe it? I don’t let it happen too often though)… I wanted to be able to sync it automatically to my asterisk. This synchronisation also doubles up as a backup for my address book.

Asterisk iphone linux mobile Technology

Guilty Pleasures

Perhaps yet another misleading title for this post, but bear with me. When I was a child we used to play outside a lot. I always remember the neighbours complaining if we made too much noise. Such is life. There was one period of time that I knew I would get in trouble though. We would get told off big time!! When?? Every day between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. There was even a sign in big red letters telling us all to keep quiet at ‘rest time’ (loosely translated). There was no sign about making noise after 11pm, but there was one for the afternoon nap. It was THAT important.

These days seem long gone now. Does anybody have time for an afternoon nap?? I certainly don’t recall seeing any such signs around.

linux Technology

JDK 5 Debian etch Virtuozzo installation oddities

Not a particularly interesting post, unless you happen to be running Debian 4.0 etch running on Virtuozzo host and are trying to install JDK5. I saw a post with a user reporting the same error on the parallels forum , but couldn’t find a clear solution, until I bumped onto a weird forum in German, which luckily linked to a related bug report (in English).